
My name is Patricia. I am a young student who dreams of being a teacher and writer one day. This is blog will contain bits and pieces of my journey, inspiration, and ideas along the way. Thanks for sharing- and supporting my beginning!

35 thoughts on “About

  1. I saw your short description from you comment on Vampire Weather…I truly admire that you know what you want to do at your age. I am going to look at some of your poems now…I already glanced at one and can’t believe how much insight you have for such a youngling πŸ˜‰

  2. Patricia: a teacher and a writer is a great professional combination. teaching students the tools they need to become themselves, and those creative characters that become life-long friends to reader all over the world – i will be poking around reading your posts…

    David in Maine USA

  3. You’ve got a nice blog here! Keep writing!
    (u might like to have a look at my blog at shrutitrivedi.wordpress.com too!)

  4. In the “better late than never” category, please accept my congratulations on your remarkable entry in Dark Globe’s photo contest. Judging was a very difficult job. Your award is so well-deserved and I’m delighted that your work and talent was enjoyed by many, many people.


  5. Good for you – the world needs great teachers. Ones that will bring something new to the curriculum and not just follow what’s gone before. How can we encourage our kids to be creative if we don’t allow our teachers to be. My daughter has the same ambition. Good luck to you. πŸ™‚

    • I agree. I love teaching, its a learning process for both the teacher and student. There are so many ways to be creative, my passion is to help others see that and apply simple priciples to lives that will make the world a brighter place. I’m excited for whats to come. Thank you so much. πŸ™‚

  6. HOLY WORDPRESS. I was looking through a bunch of teen threads looking for fellow teen bloggers and I found you. We have the same name and you write beautifully. Going to start following your blog πŸ™‚

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