Note on my latest post “Never Alone”

As some of you may know from following my posts, I’ve been in a dark place lately. I won’t say I fell into one, because life is a rollercoaster filled with ups and downs. Each phase is only momentary and the wheel keeps spinning. Where am I going with this? Well, I recently wrote a poem called Never Alone. I usually don’t discuss the meaning of my poems or what inspired me to write them, but I wanted to this time.

If you haven’t read this piece the title speaks for itself. One of the lines reads “In darkness I may tread, but never alone”. I want to talk about it because the inspiration behind it is so different that what you may think. It’s not about anything or anyone. In fact, I wrote this piece I was feeling the exact opposite of the way I described. I was alone just thinking about my life when I realized, I was tired of being depressed. I was tired of feeling sorry for myself. I was tired of writing dumb rants about black holes and ghosts. I have nothing against dark pieces, (sometimes you need to release those feelings), but Lawd knows ive written my share.

So after this realization, I decided to muster up a little positivity. I barely thought before my pencil hit the paper and I began to imagine myself (or anyone else really) in a better place. It was entirely unrealistic, but I can honestly say after I wrote it I felt better. It didn’t fix anything, but it brought a little light to the darkness, like single star in the sky. So if you’re in a dark place today, I hope you are inspired to rise. Dont worry, eventually you will. Life is filled with seasons. There are seasons to to be happy and seasons to grieve, but sometimes you can lighten the process simply by picking yourself up.

Thank you all for following me and for your encouraging comments. ~Lady T